Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Different Pace?

So far in Santo Ângelo the pace is different. The driving, what I saw of it yesterday, is more relaxed and the people seem less frenetic. I am kindly being hosted by Bernardo, his wife Elici, & their daughter Fernanda. The room I'm occupying belongs to Sabrina who is studying in Santa Maria & bizarrely enough lives within a block of where I was staying with Cherli, Jean, Luiza & Giordana! It's a small world everywhere.

Last night I was welcomed with some of the best pizza ever. Fernanda's boyfriend, Jedson, is quite a chef! He made 6 pizzas! 3 salgado or ~salty and 3 doce or sweet. Yet another meal that made me wish I had an elastic waistband on my pants.

Jedson cutting one of creations. In the foreground is a pizza with a chocolate crust, sweetened condensed milk & peanuts.

Me, getting ready to nom some deliciousness! The pizza on the right is called California and has apples, pineapple, raisins & cherries.

Your eyes do not deceive- that is chocolate crusted, chocolate-covered ice cream-topped pizza. Something I doubt I'll ever see again!

Traffic noises are subdued, bird songs can be heard and the sun is illuminating my room- feels like a good day!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you took good notes...I think we need samples upon your return. YUMMMMMMMMMM
